Thursday, 2 December 2010

this english year

This is the last post that I have to write, and this is about my experience learning english this year. So first I have to say that this is my second course this year because I had to do the level tree first. Well i must say that when I did the test for see in which level I would stay I thought that maybe y will be in the last level or even I wouldn’t have to take the english course. But no I had to take to levels.

Well I decided to make the English level immediately and after all at school I was a good student and I like learning English because I think that it is a very good tool for the present and the future.

But when I took the level tree I try to quit the entire semester y try to get an interview whit Simon, to get reed of that because it was so boring to me and we finished the classes at seven thirty in the afternoon, and some times I feel that I was loosing my time because the most (or maybe all) of the subjects were basic to me and I had seen it at school a long time ago. So the first semester my relationship whit English was a little bit complicated, it was a love and hate relation.

But the second semester it was different maybe because it was spring and everything is better in spring or maybe because when the class finishes it wasn’t dark outside or maybe because of the people who was taken the course whit me where more interested in learning more, or maybe because I decided to be more relax and enjoy more this classes.

So I have to say that I’m not regret about taking this course because instead of all I think that during the year I learnt more English and it works to me to practice and realize that I haven’t forget what I learnt at school and also because I met wonderful people during both courses. The only thing that I have to say is that maybe the test that you took for see in which level you stay is not the best way of doing this, because I met a lot of people that are in a very similar situation than me.

At the end it was a good experience and thanks teacher because of the enthusiasm in the classes.

Thursday, 11 November 2010


I think that the first problema that we have is to call this situation the mapuche conflict, like they were in conflict between them but they are not, they have a situation whit us and whit the Chilean state, even this is more interesting because they are not angry this the spainsh who supposedly came to this lands and take away the freedom of the people who lives here. No that’s no the reality because those people who most damage committed against the mapuches were the Chilean government during the “ pacificacion de la araucania” and there you will find the real problem.
Those lands had been in to their position for centuries before anyone else came to this part of the world and they have a relation whit that they are the people from the earth and some extrangers take away from them so I think that is fear the battle that they are fighting and I hope that some they it could be return to them.
Another part of the problem that is related whit that is that they are not Chilean people and that is difficult because is supposed that there can’t be more than one nation in a state and I think that here in Chile we have more than one nation and in the legal and constitutional point of view that attempts against the integrity of the country.
And finally is the treat that is gave to mapuches for example the case of matias catrileo who was murder from behind and his killer just received 15 years in jail instead some of them that haven’t kill or hurt anybody are risking more years in jail, I’m not justifying violence but I think that there is something unfair in this.
So I think that we should listen of what do they have to say because that is something that Chileans are not very used to do and try to understand why are they fighting and what do they want.


This post is about music, so first of all I think life without music will be incredible boring because music is like have a permanent company (to me) you can walk listening music and you will enjoy the trip more, or for example when you have to do domestic issues like sweeping or cooking music makes you company and what I like the most is that whit music you can dance and by the other hand whit music you can relax. An other think that why I love music is because it is a way in which humans can communicated their feelings and give messages, I think that music is more than sounds that sound good, music must have a message to transmit isn’t an interaction between humans is a way to be connected each other.
I listen to every kind of music since juan luis Guerra to victor jara going to shakira and calle trece, but my favorite band as long as I could remember are Los Jaivas, may be because I can find every characteristic that I mention before into their music, I remember that when I was six or five years old I used to listen a cassette from los jaivas every day once and again. I have to say that I listen a lot o Chilean and Latin-American music and maybe it’s because I feel that represents me and the way in which I see our reality society because that’s about the most of that music they are constantly making a portrait of us. So definitely my favorite band in earth is los jaivas but I also listen other kind of music like I said, one of my favorites singer is Joaquin Sabina that is an influence from my father and I also likes bands like The Coors or The cranberries and obviously the amazing and unique The Beatles and I also have a guilty pleasure that is Miguel Bose

Thursday, 21 October 2010

live the earth

Hello teacher and classmates, today is the green post so here I go.
First of all I’m scout so I’m always worry about the nature and how can I help to improve the environmental situation, for example when we are camping whit the girls we always separated the garbage in which is biodegrable or not, we never make de washing up in the river we take the water far from there and we had made a system in which first we dig a little howl in which we put some stones that filter the water so when this make contact whit the ground don’t be so contaminated, and of course we never cut down trees.
in my house we try to recycling the biggest amount of things that we can, for example the plastic bottles we put all this together and then my mom takes to her job and give to a school in which they have a program to recycling this. Another example is that every kind of papers and cardboard we collected ad we gave to a cardboard man. Other practise that we have in my house is not put into the garbage liquid thinks (for example the tea we strain before change and put into the garbage) because this helps to produce more “percolated liquid”.
Since today I have started to came over to the university by bike ( I hope I can continue) and I think that many people are starting to use the bike more often instead of their cars, that helps to generate less pollution and also to have a better fitness.
So finally I think that environmental pollution is something that concerns to all of us, because earth gives life to us and we are destroying it like no other been in the earth, the modern human had made incredible changes in the earth and the time to stop this is now.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

This post is about the thirty tree miners trapped in the mine.

So first I think that this is a very tragic event but that reflects a reality n our country which is that there is no regard for this kinds of workers in Chile, because they know that their job was dangerous and they also that if they didn’t go to the mine every day they would not be able to sustain their families. So this tragic event is like a slap to every body who over look this situation that happens all around this country and I think that this could be a chance to make a change in the work condition of the people.

Another point that is relevant of this situation is how this is had been handling by the press and the government, this has became in to a reality show in which every body wonted to get a benefit, every day in the news there is some minutes dedicated to this and the recue will be transmitted for more than thirty signals, today in the morning in a show they were showing to the people how the reporters life was and they had invade the privacy of the families and the miners exposing they so much in my point of view and by the other hand I think that the government had use this event to turn off the view of the people and create a situation making the people believe that there were nothing more important in Chile apart of this thirty tree miners life .

Thursday, 23 September 2010

tourist in santiago

So everything depends of what do you wont to do because Santiago is full of extractives and activities. If you want to know the city you have to go to the historical center and have a walk knowing places like la moneda, plaza de armas, the national history museum, santa lucia hill and it´s market, the mapocho station and of course the Mercado central when you could eat a lot of traditional dishes like sea food or empanadas. Others neighborhoods that you should go are the brasil and providencia because both of them are very representative of some aspects in the daily life in Santiago and you could buy hand made products typically of Chile. You don’t have to forget the San Cristobal hill and have a mote con huesillos. If you take a bus and travel less than an hour you can get to el cajon del maipo that is a place located in the middle of the cordillera de los Andes and cross by a river and it has a wonderful landscape and also you can go to skis centers like colorado or portillo.
So my top five for you are, go to the Mercado and eat a mariscal it’s a meal that you would never forget, get to the top of the san Cristobal hill by foot and then have a mote con huesillos, go to barrio yungai and learn to dance cueca that is our national dance if you have the chance of going to a concert of Chilean music don’t lose it, and finally try to visit the cajon del maipo is a magic place surrender by nature.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Today I have to write about a country that I would like to visit, so the country that I would like to travel is Greece. First I think that the Greek landscape is very attractive the beaches (I think that I have a fascination whit the sea) and the mixing of country side and beach and the mountains I think that it’s one of the best views in the world. I also like Greece because its history it´s like the place in our civilization started all the classic philosophers and the origins of the democracy everything started there, I imagine to myself in the same place than all that stuffs took place, well I also like to know the huge monuments of the Greek architecture like the Apolo´s temple and the partenon and I try to imagine how was common life in there, or meeting Olympia and the olimpo´s mountain. Another reason because I would like to travel to Greece it’s because it’s a contrast country in a lot of senses there are a lot of poverty but it’s a very glamorous country and also to think what was Greece in a time and what is this now. I of course all the traditions that are in Greece like when they crush the dishes in to the ground or when every men dace together in a circle. That why I would like to travel to Greece.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

the year until now

My experience during the first part of this year, first I have to say that this hasn’t been a normal year first because of the earthquake this was an a unforgettable moment which I think was a very important experience to all of us in my case it was a moment to realize of how weak humans are and also to see how much damage could people stand. Other thing that was important of this year to me is that is my first year that this university and in the career that I wonted so at the beginning it was a little hard to me to get use to the level of study and the requirements of the career and the new people but throw the time pass by I realize that I have to get use to this so now I am on that. I´m scout since I was ten years old and this is the most important activity in which I spend my free time (so my free time is not as much like that) because I have a lot of work to do whit the girls and plan camping and activities for every Saturday. So this had been my life in the first semester trying to get use to new stuffs and continue whit old ones without loosing my mind my friends and my boyfriend (very important stuffs.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

second semester suggestions

Hi, I`m Sofia and this is the first post of this semester and we have to write about some suggestions of the topics for the blogs, I think that it is a very good idea because last semester sometimes we weren’t so interested in the topics. So I think that it would be a good idea to write about the 18 of September celebration and things related whit the bicentenary and stuffs like that, I remember that last semester the most funny and interesting blogs were when we had to wrote about us and our lives like what things to we like to do or our favorite something , I also think that maybe it could be interesting write about of things related whit the national and international contingency. And finally I last semester we had to write about of some stuffs related to our carriers and sometimes it was a little bit difficult to me because I´m a first year student so maybe if we are going to do that this semester maybe less specific than last. So thats it luck in the semester see you.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

my blogwriter experience

My experience like a blog writer has not been a very good experience instead of what I thought of how this will be.
This is the first blog in which I write I never had someone before this, at the beginning I thought that may be this could be a good idea, because I always enjoy writing and almost never had problem to express my opinion about something, and I often like to talk about interesting things and giving my own point of view.
But trough the time pass by at realize that it wasn’t so easy and it takes me more time than I would like to write down a post, so I start to get frustrated and every time that we had to write into the blog I didn’t wont to do that.
May be because I`m not a very creative person and it takes me a long time to think about what im going to write about and also because some times the temes that we had to wrote about i was not very inform about like stuffs relatives to the carrier (I am a first year student so when I had to wrote about someone important for the anthropology I didn’t have any idea of about who can be that person) and other reason to me is that I`m a very hurry person that wants to do everything quickly and it’s like I wanted to say a lot of things but I don’t know how .
But by the other hand its helps me to see some mistakes that I make during I`m writing but sometimes I don’t realize of the mistake and I can’t figure out this in to the text, but doing this over again and read this for more than two times sometimes I find out the mistake, so this is an advantage of writing a blog and also you receiver the comments of the teacher that helps you to improve your writing and.
So I suppose that at the end it hadn’t been that bas as I thought but it also was as good as I tough, I think that I had improve my English in some way but I still have things to do.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

the worl cup

I`m going to see the world cup, I’m expecting of this and of course about the Chile participation in to this.

I think about that this is a very good moment in which every body gets together and it has every people focus in a subject, it’s a common theme of conversation in which everyone has something to say about.

The entrance of Chile en the world cup has been a full process, we all had been pendent of the matches since the classificatory stage, and it gives the chance for the people to see this whit their friends, family, or even whit people that we don’t know (like people in a pub or here in the university), it’s a reason to celebrate and I think that we all remember when Chile get in to the world cup, that it seems that every person in Santiago was at the street celebrating, so I see this like a chance to be more relax (in some way) and for have breaks in to the rutting.

I`m going to see the match at home and alone because at that time my everyone in my family had gone (my parents to work and my sisters to school), so I`m going to wake up earlier and going to my parents bedroom, because it’s the only television at home, and maybe I take breakfast at bed, maybe I will call my boyfriend and talk whit him in during the match but not the entire match, and I don’t know it would be interesting seen this in a different way that I always do, and have to say gooooool alone.

I hope that tomorrow Chile will made an excellent match and we win in front of Honduras because the next two matches are more difficult to win so I’m faithful that we are going to win tomorrow and with a big advantage over Honduras.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

This photo was taken in scout when we were coming back from a camping,and it was taken by my scout lider Claudia and now I miss her because she had to go out of scout, in this picture are the people which I share a lot of goods moments , and so much time of my scout life, in some way I could say that we grew up together, we were a very good team and we did a lot of activities and lernt about life .
This photo is over the higway on a brigde when we were coming back home from laguna sur, it is a place located near angostura in the sixth región and we stayed there for only one night but this was extreme camping, we went there with two liters of water for each one (in the place there was no water), and about food we only carried fruit, cereals and some milk, and the most extreme thing was that we dindt have a place to stay we just got off the bus and walked until we got tired and there was where we stayed.
This picture is also important for me because it is in scout and that is a very important part of my life,for me being a scout is something that i do every day, it is a life style for me, some people are religious, others are polítical, I am scout, and I am a scout líder now and it`s has taken me a lot of my “free” time during the week but I love this I love working with the girls and I hope that one day they will do the same for others.
That`s why I like this photo because it is a very important part of my life.
Ps: ( I also like it because I am with my boyfriend)

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

mi favourite trip

My favourite trip was this holidays in the second week of february, I went to punta arenas with my boyfriend to visit my grandmother, my unclues and cousings, we stayed there for more than a week maybe eight or nine days i dont remember well, I was very exinting for this because I havent seen my granmother for more tan three years and i have a very good relation ship with her so I did realy miss her a lot.
The firts days we dedicated to cross by the city, for example in punta arenas there is the zona franca and you can bought a lot of things that are not here in santiago, another thing is the punta arenas graveyard its like a labyrinth and is one of the mouts beatifull in the world, other day we went to the musseum of elena cafarena that was a house in wich she lives there and we also made a roasted lam.
Well as I sayd i went to visit my grandmother and she is the owner of a flower ship so others days I stayed whit she while she was working, and talking whit she (my boyfiend sais that we are so similar that when we talk eachother was lika a monologue).
One of my favourite experience of this trip was the visit to the santa magdalena islan this is in the estrecho de magallanes and is a place that pinguines use to put their eggs and rest for the long traveling of they do, so theys stay there for fout mothns to recovering energies and to raise their babys, so then start a new migration so the islan was full of penguins more than 200.000 and it was beautifull.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Los Jaivas

Los Jaivas

They are a Chilean group formed in 1963 in Viña del Mar they has a path of more than 40 years and they are consider one of the most important groups in the country an a reference of Latin-American music.
I like this Group since I was a kid, I remember that in my house were always a drawer full of tapes next to the sound system and I always take the los jaivas tape and play this until I get bored, obviously I never knew the name of the group I just listen and daces its music, there was a moment in which I stopped to listen to los jaivas and then I return to this it was like a new discovering to me and I realize that it was the same group that I listen when I was a kid.
The kind of music that los jaivas play is a mix between folk and rock music for saying this in some way, they have every kind of songs like romantic or political ones, they have a wonderful work about the Pablo Neruda’s poetry, they became into music the book Alturas de machupicchu and also make an adaptation of several songs of Violeta Parra , one thing that I admire of then is their capability of been always creating something new and its never disappointing.
I don’t know very well why do I like this group, but when I listen to them it’s a feeling so hard to explain, maybe is for my childhood or because the mix of music, like the sounds of the trutucas whit a electric guitar and the power of the letters of the songs.
I saw then a few time a go in the “estacion mapocho” they made a concert for help the people who has damaged in the earthquake whit a campaign for collecting books.
I don’t have a favorite song of them because there are all so different that it’s hard to compare because the enormous variety of songs that they have.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010


In not a very tecnological person but i think that if i had to choose one, it would be my mp3 with my headphones. Before i had an mp4 but now it`s broken and I`m using my sister`s mp3.
The last one(wich is broken) was a gift of my best friend, and my headphones are a gift of my boyfriend, so im not a person that spend money in tecnological issues.
I use the mp3 when i`m traveling from one place to other, and I realy like to walk while I`m listening music, and some times it`s help to me to walk faster when I`m late.
I use this almost every day but some times I forget to charge it and I can`t listen music, i like the mp3 because its a way to distraction and some times you may have a very good time listeing music,because music can bring you memories of good moments and every body has a experience whit some song or its give you a peacefull moment.
I think that im use to be listening music and maybe i will fell a litle bored when I go to some place without music that`s whi I ask to my sister to bring me her mp3, but if i dont have any other alternative i will have to get use to that.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


my fovurite dish are the noquis, i cuold eat this every day, The ñoquis are from italy and its origin is probabli un middle east and it was introduced in to itali in the times of roman, produc of the expansion of the empire and then the create their own version and it result what we know to day as ñoquis, there are many tipes of ñoquis but the most comon are those which are made of potato but there are some made of corn flour or polenta and here in america are some variants made of yuca or mandioca.
The preparation of the potato ñoquis :
- One kilogram of potatos
- Grams of flour
- Two eggs
- Salt
Put the potatoes in a pot and cook it but dont take of the shell, the when they are cook take out the shell, then add the flour wich is previosly sift, then add the eggs and mash until all the ingredients are complite incorporated.
Then take small pices and make a thin roll and cut it in pices of one or two centimiters long and then pass over a fork and this will give the traditional shake that we all know.
Then put this into a pot whit enaugh water to cook all them, they are ready when go up to the surface of the pot, dish up whit tomato souce and greated cheese or which you like the moust.

i dont know why i like ñoquis but i alwyas said to may mother to buy it every sunday, and i like the ñoquis whit loots of grated cheese.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

cliford geertz

he was a contemporani and norteamican antropology , he has a strong influence in what is call the symbolic anthropogist ( in constras whit the convencional cultiral antropology), he di a lot of things before he dedicated to the antropology, he was a marine and studied philosophy and then he created the antropology deparment at chicago university.
the simbolic anthropology is refer to the role of the imaginary in the society and how the people andertand their enviroment and the actions of the other people, he said that the funcion of the culture is giving sence and to the world and make it more conprenhensive. so the work of the anthropology is try to interpret the key simbols of the culture in a proces that is call thik description
he also said that the only way to undertand a culture is inside of the same cultura and not trying to undestand this from our own culture. He consider the anthropology like a science
He work in several investigation into the southes Asia cand north Africa and, some Works about religión especiali the islam, and its relation whit the daily life. Hes mouts famouse book is The Interpretation of Cultures.
His influece takes more than anthropology taking part in political, geographi and history for saying some.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


well, fisrt i'not very good seen movies, because i hate to stay calm for too long, so i realy dont go to the cinema very often and nethier to watching movies on the tv.
so it is very dificul to me remember the last movie than o saw, so im not sure if this was the last but here i go
in easter i was whit my boyfrien and some friends watching tv and sudenly one of them put the disney chanel and there were passing pocahontas , i have to say that it is one of my fovourite movies ever, so i decide that we have to se it, but what they dont know is that im so freak that i had memorise the entire movie i know every songs in the movie and a lot of dialogue, so at the same time we were seen and watchin the movie i was saying the parlaments and singing the songs, finaly they are more convice that im a very weird person.
i dont have to say that i every time that i have the chance to see pocahontas again i will do it and i will continue enjoying this as much as i was seven years old and thakns disney chanel for gave me the chance to revive my childhood.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

the earthquake

so, i`m here writing about hte moust coment thing in to the last month
that night i supost to be in to a disco but i didnt have my identit card and i had to stay at home
( i was in viña), i was sleeping in to the sofa "watching" the viña festival, so when the movement start i sitdown waiting to it stop, but it didnt, sudenly my mother appears i she told me to go with her, tho the loby whit my litle sister and a friend of her.
i was never afraid, because i cant belive that i was living an eartquake, so when the light go down and the things start taken out of they places i realise of what was realy hapening.
then i told to my mother to go out and go to the hill because of the tsunami, because we know nothing (the intensity, where was the epicenter?) so i convince her and we ( my parents, mi litle sister, her friend and i ) star walking, we walked a lot, until we feel that we where safer, and then the waiting start with a lot of other people that we didnt meet, as or more scarder than us, we stills reamins in uncertain anybody has a notice, or know any information.
the celphones didnt work, my probably try to comunicate with my cousings a hundred of times before we can get it only there we realise te size of the tragedi.
that was a very long nigth , but also a nigth to lernt and be more prepeared to the future.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

a cloudy day

hello i`m sofia and i had to create this blog for my english class, i`m at the firts year of antropology at the chile university.
i`m not a ver imaginative person but i`ll try to write a lot of intersting thiks ( i do my best effort)
so, now we are all trying to write donw some words, i have just remenber my english teacher at school, if she was here she will be very angry because this is taking me so long.
i hope that trow the time pas by it would be more easily to me to write in this.
i have to write 70 words and its done.
i`ll see you soon