Thursday 11 November 2010


I think that the first problema that we have is to call this situation the mapuche conflict, like they were in conflict between them but they are not, they have a situation whit us and whit the Chilean state, even this is more interesting because they are not angry this the spainsh who supposedly came to this lands and take away the freedom of the people who lives here. No that’s no the reality because those people who most damage committed against the mapuches were the Chilean government during the “ pacificacion de la araucania” and there you will find the real problem.
Those lands had been in to their position for centuries before anyone else came to this part of the world and they have a relation whit that they are the people from the earth and some extrangers take away from them so I think that is fear the battle that they are fighting and I hope that some they it could be return to them.
Another part of the problem that is related whit that is that they are not Chilean people and that is difficult because is supposed that there can’t be more than one nation in a state and I think that here in Chile we have more than one nation and in the legal and constitutional point of view that attempts against the integrity of the country.
And finally is the treat that is gave to mapuches for example the case of matias catrileo who was murder from behind and his killer just received 15 years in jail instead some of them that haven’t kill or hurt anybody are risking more years in jail, I’m not justifying violence but I think that there is something unfair in this.
So I think that we should listen of what do they have to say because that is something that Chileans are not very used to do and try to understand why are they fighting and what do they want.


This post is about music, so first of all I think life without music will be incredible boring because music is like have a permanent company (to me) you can walk listening music and you will enjoy the trip more, or for example when you have to do domestic issues like sweeping or cooking music makes you company and what I like the most is that whit music you can dance and by the other hand whit music you can relax. An other think that why I love music is because it is a way in which humans can communicated their feelings and give messages, I think that music is more than sounds that sound good, music must have a message to transmit isn’t an interaction between humans is a way to be connected each other.
I listen to every kind of music since juan luis Guerra to victor jara going to shakira and calle trece, but my favorite band as long as I could remember are Los Jaivas, may be because I can find every characteristic that I mention before into their music, I remember that when I was six or five years old I used to listen a cassette from los jaivas every day once and again. I have to say that I listen a lot o Chilean and Latin-American music and maybe it’s because I feel that represents me and the way in which I see our reality society because that’s about the most of that music they are constantly making a portrait of us. So definitely my favorite band in earth is los jaivas but I also listen other kind of music like I said, one of my favorites singer is Joaquin Sabina that is an influence from my father and I also likes bands like The Coors or The cranberries and obviously the amazing and unique The Beatles and I also have a guilty pleasure that is Miguel Bose