Tuesday, 27 April 2010

cliford geertz

he was a contemporani and norteamican antropology , he has a strong influence in what is call the symbolic anthropogist ( in constras whit the convencional cultiral antropology), he di a lot of things before he dedicated to the antropology, he was a marine and studied philosophy and then he created the antropology deparment at chicago university.
the simbolic anthropology is refer to the role of the imaginary in the society and how the people andertand their enviroment and the actions of the other people, he said that the funcion of the culture is giving sence and to the world and make it more conprenhensive. so the work of the anthropology is try to interpret the key simbols of the culture in a proces that is call thik description
he also said that the only way to undertand a culture is inside of the same cultura and not trying to undestand this from our own culture. He consider the anthropology like a science
He work in several investigation into the southes Asia cand north Africa and, some Works about religión especiali the islam, and its relation whit the daily life. Hes mouts famouse book is The Interpretation of Cultures.
His influece takes more than anthropology taking part in political, geographi and history for saying some.


  1. I just read one chapter of one of his books; i realle like him. I hope teacher will give us more of this author. The stuff about simbolic anthropology is grate.
    See you

  2. mm. just like ricardo I also read one chapter of his book. It's interesting to see how some vision of someone inluences in politics or in other things of life. good work hahaha
    love yaaa

  3. i find really interesting what Cliffort Gertz said. spetial the thing that in the investigation teh anthopology must see all the context ...XD

  4. mmm... neck I liked this man, first of all because their theoretical constructs do not exist and extensive field work but fails to clear systematization.

    even so still looking, over the years find best anthropologists!


  5. Good Sofía.

    But I think more editing was needed.

    2 points.

