Tuesday, 27 April 2010

cliford geertz

he was a contemporani and norteamican antropology , he has a strong influence in what is call the symbolic anthropogist ( in constras whit the convencional cultiral antropology), he di a lot of things before he dedicated to the antropology, he was a marine and studied philosophy and then he created the antropology deparment at chicago university.
the simbolic anthropology is refer to the role of the imaginary in the society and how the people andertand their enviroment and the actions of the other people, he said that the funcion of the culture is giving sence and to the world and make it more conprenhensive. so the work of the anthropology is try to interpret the key simbols of the culture in a proces that is call thik description
he also said that the only way to undertand a culture is inside of the same cultura and not trying to undestand this from our own culture. He consider the anthropology like a science
He work in several investigation into the southes Asia cand north Africa and, some Works about religión especiali the islam, and its relation whit the daily life. Hes mouts famouse book is The Interpretation of Cultures.
His influece takes more than anthropology taking part in political, geographi and history for saying some.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


well, fisrt i'not very good seen movies, because i hate to stay calm for too long, so i realy dont go to the cinema very often and nethier to watching movies on the tv.
so it is very dificul to me remember the last movie than o saw, so im not sure if this was the last but here i go
in easter i was whit my boyfrien and some friends watching tv and sudenly one of them put the disney chanel and there were passing pocahontas , i have to say that it is one of my fovourite movies ever, so i decide that we have to se it, but what they dont know is that im so freak that i had memorise the entire movie i know every songs in the movie and a lot of dialogue, so at the same time we were seen and watchin the movie i was saying the parlaments and singing the songs, finaly they are more convice that im a very weird person.
i dont have to say that i every time that i have the chance to see pocahontas again i will do it and i will continue enjoying this as much as i was seven years old and thakns disney chanel for gave me the chance to revive my childhood.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

the earthquake

so, i`m here writing about hte moust coment thing in to the last month
that night i supost to be in to a disco but i didnt have my identit card and i had to stay at home
( i was in viña), i was sleeping in to the sofa "watching" the viña festival, so when the movement start i sitdown waiting to it stop, but it didnt, sudenly my mother appears i she told me to go with her, tho the loby whit my litle sister and a friend of her.
i was never afraid, because i cant belive that i was living an eartquake, so when the light go down and the things start taken out of they places i realise of what was realy hapening.
then i told to my mother to go out and go to the hill because of the tsunami, because we know nothing (the intensity, where was the epicenter?) so i convince her and we ( my parents, mi litle sister, her friend and i ) star walking, we walked a lot, until we feel that we where safer, and then the waiting start with a lot of other people that we didnt meet, as or more scarder than us, we stills reamins in uncertain anybody has a notice, or know any information.
the celphones didnt work, my probably try to comunicate with my cousings a hundred of times before we can get it only there we realise te size of the tragedi.
that was a very long nigth , but also a nigth to lernt and be more prepeared to the future.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

a cloudy day

hello i`m sofia and i had to create this blog for my english class, i`m at the firts year of antropology at the chile university.
i`m not a ver imaginative person but i`ll try to write a lot of intersting thiks ( i do my best effort)
so, now we are all trying to write donw some words, i have just remenber my english teacher at school, if she was here she will be very angry because this is taking me so long.
i hope that trow the time pas by it would be more easily to me to write in this.
i have to write 70 words and its done.
i`ll see you soon